Such a friend is JESUS...

"For He shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul."

-PSALM 109:31 [KJV]

How cheering, how comforting it is, to have a friend to stand by us when we are in trouble. Such a friend is Jesus. In the hour of necessity, He comes as a friend to stand by the right hand of the poor creature, whose soul is condemned by guilt and accusations. But He stands in a far higher relation than that of a friend; He stands too as a Surety and a Deliverer.

He goes, as it were, into the court; and when the prisoner stands at the bar, He comes forward and stands at his right hand as his surety and bondsman; He brings out of His own bosom the acquittance of the debt signed and sealed with His own blood, He produces it before the eyes of the court, and claims and demands the acquittal and absolution of the prisoner at whose right hand He stands. He stands there, then, that the prisoner may be freely pardoned, and completely justified from those accusations that "condemn his soul." O sweet standing!—O blessed appearance!

Unbelief, the workings of a desperately wicked heart, and the fearful suggestions of the enemy, come forward to condemn us; but Christ Jesus, this Mediator betwixt God and man, "stands at the right hand of the poor," and produces His own glorious righteousness. Are we pressed down with unbelief? He communicates faith. Is our mind sinking into despair? He breathes into it hope. Is the soul bowed down with guilt, at a distance from God, unable to approach Him on account of its heavy temptations? He puts His own arm under this poor dejected soul and lifts up his bowed-down head, and then the soul looks upwards, and instead of wrath sees the countenance of the Father beaming mercy and love, because the Surety is "standing at the right hand of the poor."

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)



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