Satan's Lie or God's Truth?

The difference between a lie and the truth depends on who tells it.  Satan, in his deception of Eve, said to her concerning her sin against God: “Ye shall not surely die” [GENESIS 3:4]. On the other hand, Nathan said to David after his sin in the matter of Bathsheba and Uriah, “thou shalt not die” [II SAMUEL 12:13]. The words to Eve came from the “father of lies.”  The words to David came from a man sent from God.  To Eve came words from one who cannot tell the truth.  To David came words from God who cannot lie.  Eve was deceived in her transgression but David was forgiven of his. 

Men and women would do well to remember this and therefore seek to find out who’s talking to them in the messages and doctrines they have believed concerning their salvation from sin.  Are they the words of Satan, a lie of his own devising or are they the truth of God?  The Bible warns us that Satan and his messengers are transformed into “angels of light.”  They appear to be one thing but are really another.  Their message is a subtle deception that sets forth man’s works, will and worth as the basis upon which God will forgive and accept sinners. It is always man-centered, man-exalting and therefore damning. Satan’s false gospel always tells men to “do something and you will not die.”  Though it may speak of grace and of Christ doing most of the work of salvation, it ultimately makes the determining factor to be an act or decision of man.

The only way to discern the difference between this lie and the truth of God is the written Word of God!  And men are blind to the truth of God’s word unless the Spirit of truth be their teacher.  What was the difference between what Satan said and what Nathan said?  It was this: Nathan said, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; How did the Lord put away David’s sin that he should not die if the wages of sin is death” and the soul that sinneth shall surely die?”  He did it by the only just way, through Christ crucified.  He appeared once and put away the sins of God’s people by the sacrifice of Himself for sin.  He bore the full consequence of their sins in His own body on the tree

This is the message of truth.  It has to do with what God did in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Those who preach the word of truth declare a finished work and can truthfully say to believing sinners, “God has put away your sin in Christ, you shall not die!”

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard

Sovereign Grace Baptist church of Jacksonville, North Carolina USA

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