Merciful, Mighty God!

"Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies." -PSALM 103:4 [KJV]

The coronation of a king puts the last and highest seal upon his reigning authority. This made the spouse say, "Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold  king  Solomon with the crown wherewith his  mother crowned him in the day of  his espousals, and in the day of  the gladness of his  heart" [SONG OF SOLOMON 3:11]. And what a day will that be when the anti-typical Solomon is crowned Lord of all.

Thus there is a crown put upon the soul which is healed of all its diseases, and whose life is redeemed from destruction. It is as if God could not be satisfied till He had put the crown of His lovingkindness upon the soul, until He had Himself crowned the heart with His own love. And what is the effect? The soul puts a crown of glory upon his head. So the soul has the crown of grace, and God has the crown of glory. This is being crowned with lovingkindness and tender mercies. And O what a crown it is!

How it crowns all our iniquities, hides them from God's sight as a crown covers a monarch's brow. How it crowns all our trials that we have had to pass through, severe and cutting as they were at the time to the flesh. How it crowns all our bereavements by putting upon the bereaved heart the crown of God's lovingkindness. How it crowns all our prayers by enabling us to see their gracious answer. How it crowns all God's dealings with us in providence and in grace, and stamps lovingkindness upon them all; for the crown includes everything in it. As the Queen's crown includes her royalty, her dignity, her power—for all are symbolled thereby—so God's lovingkindness, put upon the heart as a crown, includes and secures every blessing for time and eternity.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)



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