Encouragement in Christ Jesus, “The LORD our righteousness”

It is not possible that any one attribute of God should ever shadow another.  He is perfect.  Infinitely merciful He is, but He will not be merciful at the expense of justice.  Justice shall never triumph against mercy.  Mercy, on the other hand, shall never cut off the skirts of the flowing robe of justice.  It is in the person of Jesus Christ, and especially in the blood of Jesus Christ, that the great riddle of the ages is unriddled.  God can be just and yet the Justifier of him that believes in Jesus Christ.  We have sinned; God must punish sin.

According to the inexorable laws which God has stamped upon the universe, the sinners cannot go unpunished.  But "the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED;" and "now in Christ Jesus, we who sometime were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ."  God can be gracious without the violation of the severity of His judgment.  His moral government remains untarnished in all the majesty of its purity; and yet He puts out the right hand of reconciliation and love to all who approach Him, making mention of the blood of the atonement of His dear Son.  Thus it is called in I Peter 1:10, "THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST." Oh, how sweet to view the flowing, of the sin-atoning blood; with divine assurance knowing, that it made my peace with God.



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