Upon The Cross of Calvary

Upon the cross our Savior,
Defeated ev’ry foe;
He died to save His people,
To pay the debt we owe.

The sword of justice pierced Him,
Our Lord was put to grief;
God poured on Him His vengeance,
And gave Him no relief.

Upon the cross Christ suffered,
For sheep who went astray;
And by His blood most precious,
He washed our sins away.

The law cannot condemn us,
For in our place He died;
He fully honored justice,
The law He magnified.

Upon the cross of Calv’ry,
Our Lord was crucified;
His blood has sealed our pardon,
He now is glorified.

Sing of His lovingkindness,
Of His redeeming grace;
Sing praises to the Savior,
Who saved His chosen race.

Upon the Cross of Calvary
Tune: “The Church’s One Foundation,” p. 186 (
Words by preacher Jim Byrd


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