The Wednesday Word

Dr Law and Dr Grace

D.G. Miles McKee

Many years ago, I heard an old time, South Texas preacher, preach about two doctors. He said something like this;

“Let me introduce you to two Doctors who both claim to have the ability to bring us spiritual health.  One is Called Dr Law and the other, Dr Grace.  Each has a different theory as to how to get us well.
Take Dr Law, for example.  Some patients went to him about the question of salvation.  Dr Law glared and said, “God does His part, and you do yours!”  That sounded sensible, but those who followed his prescription were always left in doubt as to whether or not they had done enough on their part.
So, the patients then went to Dr Grace, and Dr Grace said, “You can’t do and don’t do anything to gain salvation.”
Back they then go to Dr Law.  When he hears about Dr Grace’s diagnosis, Dr Law stiffened and glares at them.  Quick as a flash, he says, “In Acts 16:31, the Philippian Jailer asked, ‘What must I DO to be saved?’ Paul’s answer was, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!’  So, there you are sirs,” says Dr Law, “it’s as plain as the nose on your face.  The scripture tells you to do something…it tells you to believe. Believing is doing.”

So, back they go to Dr Grace and he smiles and calmly says, “Believing is not doing: Believing is simply receiving, trusting and resting. There is no effort on your part, and there can be none because God has already accomplished salvation at Calvary 2000 years ago! When you believe, you are merely receiving that which has already been done for you. There’s no work required on your part.”

They then go back to Dr Law. He listens and then declares, “What nonsense is this? It stands to reason that man must do something to close the gap between himself and God. Don’t listen to that Grace fellow. He’ll tell you that Salvation is spelled with five letters J-E-S-U-S.”

The distraught listeners go back to Dr Grace and report on what Dr Law has said. Dr Grace smiles and says, “Yes indeed, Jesus is the summation of the gospel. Furthermore, there are basically two ways to spell salvation: The first one, is D-O. That’s the way Dr Law spells it. His followers believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins, but they still think there is something for them to DO to be saved. They feel they must add, some form of sincere good works to the equation. This is the very opposite of Salvation by Grace!”

Then Dr Grace continues, “The other way to spell salvation is:
D-O-N-E. Jesus has completed the work of salvation. It is Finished. Rest in Him and His accomplishments.”
This satisfies the patients. After that they rest in the accomplishments of their saviour. Dr Law still tries to influence them, but because of Dr Grace, he does not succeed.”

For the sake of discussion, if you think that God has already done 99.9% of what’s necessary for you to be saved and now it’s up to you to do the remaining 0.1%, you still don’t understand grace. You are a legalist! If you tell your scheme to others and they believe you, you are telling lies about Jesus.

As S. L. Johnson said, “Bible Christianity is unique. It is the only system of truth in which it is plainly stated that the work of redemption is already accomplished!” (S. L. Johnson: Union with Christ)

He was right. Every other system of religion is a scheme by which we try to get right with God through the things we do. But Bible Christianity is distinctive. The Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished the saving work, outside of and apart from us. It is finished!

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

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