The Fear of God

"I will put My fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from Me." -JEREMIAH 32:40 [KJV]
As the fear of God springs up in a believing soul, and is maintained and kept alive by the influences which come out of Christ as a covenant Head, it produces, as its effects, an abiding in Him. We cannot depart from Him through the fear of God. It is therefore called "a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death." If a fountain of life, it must be fed out of Him who is the life; and as it departs from the snares of death, it cleaves more fully and closely to Him as these snares are broken to pieces and left behind.
If we examine the movements of godly fear in our hearts, we shall see that all its tendencies are toward life and the Source of life; toward hatred of sin and love of holiness; toward a desire after the enjoyment of heavenly realities, and a deadness to the things of time and sense; toward a knowledge of Christ in the manifestation of Himself, and a longing to live more to His praise, to walk more in His footsteps, and to be more conformed to His suffering image.
Now, as none of these things can be produced but by union with Christ and abiding in Him, we see how the fear of God helps forward and is needful to this abiding. For directly that the fear of God burns low in the soul, there is a gradual withdrawing from, and a sensible declining of this abiding in Christ.
-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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