Encouragement in Christ JESUS

"Every one that loveth Him that begat loveth Him also that is begotten of Him." -I JOHN 5:1 [KJV]
Where there is love to Jesus, there will be love to those who are His by redemption, His by regeneration, and His by personal possession. The more, too, that we see and the more that we know of the beauty and blessedness of the Lord of life and glory, the more we shall love His image as we behold it visibly marked in His dear people, and the more we shall cleave to them as being Christ's with tender affection. It is our dim, scanty, and imperfect knowledge of God the Father in His eternal love, and of the Lord Jesus Christ in His grace and glory, which leaves us so often cold, lifeless, and dead in our affections towards Him; and with the declension of love towards the Head comes on decay of love towards His members. If there were more blessed revelations to our soul of the Person and work, grace and glory, beauty and blessedness of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is impossible but that we should more and more warmly and tenderly fall in love with Him; for He is the most glorious object that the eyes of faith can see. He fills heaven with the resplendent beams of His glorious majesty; and has ravished the hearts of thousands of His dear family upon earth by the manifestations of His bleeding, dying love. So that if we love Him not, it is because we know Him not. If, then, to those who know Him He makes Himself precious, it is evident that just in proportion to our personal, spiritual, experimental knowledge of Him will be our love to Him.
-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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