Blessed be the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS for ever!

-MATTHEW 22:42 [KJV]
The religious and self-righteous Pharisees surrounded the Lord on this occasion with malice in their heart to destroy Him. We read in Matthew 22:15 that "they took counsel how they might entangle Him in His talk." The religious came at Him with many needless and unnecessary questions about religion and politics [MATTHEW 22:17], about future events [MATTHEW 22:25-28] and about the law of God [MATTHEW 22:36]. The Lord Jesus Christ put them all to silence with this one heart searching and all important question, "What think ye of Christ?" I trust that everyone of us will seriously ponder this question and ask our sovereign Lord to give us honest and scriptural thoughts of Him. So then, what do you really think of the Lord Jesus Christ? Consider these things about Him:

What do you think of the Lord Jesus Christ in His blessed person? Can you say with Thomas that He is my Lord and my God [JOHN 20:28]? The believer trusts His soul salvation to the very one Who is God Almighty manifested in the flesh [II TIMOTHY 3:16]. Our Lord had to become one with us in order to identify with our problem and provide the remedy [HEBREWS 2:14-17].

What do you think of the Lord Jesus Christ in His priestly work? Our Lord Jesus Christ was anointed and appointed as the only Mediator [I TIMOTHY 2:5] and High Priest [HEBREWS 4:14] for all those that believe on Him. As the believers representative before God, He brought sufficient and eternal sacrifice unto God to make atonement for the sin of His people [HEBREWS 9:12]. This was not an attempt to put away sin, His precious blood actually put away all the sin of His people and secured their salvation [MATTHEW 1:21].

What do you think of the grace of Lord Jesus Christ? While Paul was undergoing trials and burdens he was given this precious promise from the Lord that His grace was sufficient for us [II CORINTHIANS 12:9]. His grace is sufficient to save and to justify [ROMANS 3:24]. His grace is sufficient to sustain and protect us during difficult times [ACTS 4:33]. His grace is sufficient to keep us from being lifted up with pride [ROMANS 12:3]. His grace is sufficient to call us from spiritual death to eternal life [I PETER 5:10]. His grace in and through Jesus Christ will meet all our need [ACTS 15:11; PHILIPPIANS 4:19].

What do you think of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ? God has so ordained the salvation of sinners that the Lord Jesus Christ should properly receive all the glory for so great salvation [I CORINTHIANS 1:30-31]. The believer truly loves the glory of His Lord. We love to glory in His mercy to the undeserving [TITUS 3:5]. We love to glory in His forgiveness to the guilty [ROMANS 5:6; EPHESIANS 2:4-6].

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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