Sing Praises to Christ

I sing praise to Christ my Redeemer,
The Savior Who came from above;
His death has obtained my redemption,
Thank God for the Gift of His love.

CHORUS: O praise  the Name,
The Name of our Savior and King;
O praise the Name,
The Name of our Savior and King.

I sing praise to Christ for His mercy,
He died in my stead on the tree;
On Him fell God’s vengeance and justice,
For unworthy sinners like me. CHORUS

My sin-debt was cancelled completely,
When God’s Sacrifice took my place;
He died and secured my redemption,
What covenant mercy and grace! CHORUS

I trust in this gracious Redeemer,
My Prophet, High Priest and great King;
My Advocate, Shepherd and Savior,
His praises I joyfully sing. CHORUS

My heart is rejoicing in Jesus,
His blood washed my sins all away;
And when I shall see Him in heaven,
I’ll sing through eternity’s day. CHORUS

Tune: “Redeemed,” p. 475 ( w/chorus)
Words by Pastor Jim Byrd 



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