The Greek language is fond of using the ‘Double Negative’ (ou me) to emphasize the impossibility of a matter. It is an unequivocal way of saying ‘NEVER!’

We find this expression (
ou me) among other places in JOHN 6:37, where Jesus promises to NEVER cast out the person who comes to Him. The King James Version translates it that He will in “No wise” cast such a person out. Literally it means “I will never cast out” or “I will by no means cast out” or emphatically, “I will not cast out.”
So, when will Jesus cast us out?
Is Jesus a liar?
Does He make false statements?

John Bunyan, in his
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners said of John 6:37, “Oh the comfort that I have had from this expression in no wise.” It seems that when Satan came to challenge him about his salvation, Bunyan used this verse to combat him. He goes on to say, “If ever Satan and I did strive for any word of God in all my life, it was for this good word of Christ, he (Satan) at one end, and I at the other. Oh, what work did we make… He pulled and I pulled, but God be praised I got the better of him.”

JESUS WILL NEVER CAST US OUT. We are the Father’s gift to Him [JOHN 6:37a]. Jesus is not careless with the gifts He has been given. He will not lose us. Rest in this. Dear believer, you are safe.

Some years ago, as a precious old, weary preacher lay on his deathbed he was suddenly overcome by an overwhelming sense of his own sinfulness. Out of the blue, he was filled with a terrible concern. His friend, another minister, tried to comfort him.
Leaning over him, the friend said, “You know, don’t you, that Jesus is a great Saviour!”
“Yes,” replied the terror-stricken preacher. “I know that He died to save. But how do I know that He died to save me?”
“His friend replied,
It is written thathim that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out!
“Yes, yes of course, that’s true!” exclaimed the astonished man who was as thrilled as a blind man whose eyes had just been abruptly opened. He then declared, “I am amazed that, though I have read that Scripture a thousand times over, I never felt its power and truth until this moment. Now I die happy!” And he did.

Jesus is the
Physician who has never lost a patient. He’s the General who has never lost a battle. He’s the Lawyer who has never lost a case and He’s the Shepherd who has never lost a sheep.  Not one person in the lowest pit of hell will be able to say, "I trusted Christ, and I am lost.“

Jesus will never cast us out!

Bunyan, in his sermon, ‘Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ” gives more insight on our verse. He writes,
But I am a great sinner, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.
But I am an old sinner, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.
But I am a hard-hearted sinner, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.
But I am a backsliding sinner, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.
But I have sinned against light, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.
But I have sinned against mercy, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.
But I have no good thing to bring with me, sayest thou.
"I will in no wise cast out," says Christ.

When will Jesus cast us out?
Is Jesus a liar?
Does He make false statements?
Then, we are safe.

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

-Gospel report by preacher D.G. Miles Mckee

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