God’s Sheep Know God is The LORD!

Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we our-selves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture” -PSALM 100:3 [KJV]
Worship of God and discipleship to Christ must be intelligent. God’s revelation to the heart overcomes native ignorance and darkened understanding. Revelation leads to truth; then, worship is deeply spiritual [JOHN 4:24]. Paul decried his generation for “being ignorant of God’s righteousness[ROMANS 10:3]. Replace our darkness with light, we pray.

Know…the LORD He is God” – Two principal names for God appear: “LORD” is Jehovah and “God” is Elohim. The former refers to God’s eternal self-existence; while, the latter refers to God’s unchallenged Almightiness. Jehovah is God in the most complete, exclusive and absolute sense. Knowing God as God is the highest calling of His elect. Obeying God as God is the highest gratitude of His elect.

Know…He that hath made us” – Worshipers, that is true believers, know they are not the product of natural selection or progressive evolution. The thinking creature reverences his Creator. Enlightened creatures disdain their supposed honor among men. Elect creatures bow their hearts and minds to God’s sovereignty. They know He rules by purpose and predestination in eternity and by providence in time.

Know…we are His people and the sheep of His pasture” – What a statement! He “made us…we are His”. He is Creator, Owner and Sustainer. The psalmist spoke of the ones the Father gave the Son. Only they are “sheep”, the rest are “goats[MATTHEW 25:32]. Jesus came to “save His people from their sins[MATTHEW 1:21]. They’re His by redemption at the cross and the effectual call of grace in time. They feed in the pasture where the Gospel of sovereign grace is declared and loved. 

-Gospel report by preacher David Simpson


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