Just as the Samaritan came to the beaten and wounded man so “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" [I TIMOTHY 1:15].

Jesus came to save sinners. What an unspeakably welcome fact. In spite of the truth that we, like Paul, often consider ourselves the chief of sinners
[I TIMOTHY 3:16] we as believers are learning to look outward to the glorified Man, the Son of God, who has passed through death and resurrection on our behalf [see HEBREWS 12:2].

He came!

He, the Creator, came— He became human and suffered, ignominy, crucifixion, and death!
[JOHN 1:14; JOHN 19:18].

He came!

He was raised out of death, ascended to Heaven, and is now crowned with honour and glory
[see Revelation 1:18; 1 Corinthians 15:14; 1 Corinthians 15:7; 1 Corinthians 15:8; Matthew 27:63-66; Luke 24:45-46; 2 Timothy 2:8; Acts 4:10-11; John 20:26; Luke 24:34; Acts 17:31; John 21:1; Mark 16:9; Mark 16:19].

He came!

Why did He come? He came to save. He came and gave Himself as an offering for sin and saved us by that sacrifice

He came!

Who can describe the heights and depths of such grace? Who can explain the compassion that induced our heavenly Saviour to come to Earth to find us where we were?

He Came!

He came right down and placed Himself under that which should have been our judgment. He made both our sins and judgment His [ISAIAH 53:5].

He Came!

He is a wonderful saviour. He came to us and He will never leave us
[see Hebrews 13:5]. Grace will end in glory—His and ours. It is a gripping story. The love of Christ, in all its ten thousand details, will be our endless and untiring theme in eternity.
There is nothing that makes us value God's salvation like knowing how much we don’t deserve it. And the more so, the better. The lower we go in self-depreciation, the more worth and importance we will give to Christ. The blacker we see our sins; the greater will be our value of the blood of Christ.

We were, stripped, wounded, dead and undeserving. We had neither claim on or ability to sue for peace and rescue. We couldn’t seek God. In fact, we couldn’t have sought
Him unless He had already sought and found us.

May we like Paul see ourselves as chief sinners, —may we be persuaded that this is the truth for Christ Jesus came to save sinners and only sinners! He came to save us from everything that we are in ourselves.

He doesn’t save those who think they deserve salvation or those who feel they have earned it. He alone accomplished the saving work on Calvary for lost sinners. May we, personally, get to know the grace and mercy of His first coming, otherwise we will have to face the awful condemnation of His second coming in judgment.

If we have not, may we get to know the meaning of God's faithful saying in a personal way that
"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"—He came to save me!

“We bless our Saviour's name,
Our sins are all forgiven;
To suffer once to earth He came;
He now is crowned in heaven.

Lord, let us never forget Thy rich,
Thy precious love:
Our theme of joy and wonder here,
Our endless song above."

He came to save us: He came to save me!

He Came!

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

-preacher D. G. Miles McKee

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