We Trace Our Mercies to the Fountain-Head

I admire what the Apostle saith of giving thanks to the Father, both for His original choice of the Church to an inheritance in and with Christ; and for the translation of the Church as children of His adoption from the power of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son. Depend upon it, the beginnings of the triumphs of faith are found in these things. For, though by regeneration, our eyes are opened to see and feel sin; and the first joy of the newly awakened soul is the consciousness, when we are delivered, from darkness to light by Christ; yea, when God the Spirit hath brought us on to see further, and that it was God the Father who by His original choice of the Church in Christ made us meet to be partakers of an inheritance of the saints in light; here we trace our mercies to the fountain-head, and we cry out with the Apostle: “Thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ” [II CORINTHIANS 2:19].

-Gospel report by preacher Robert Hawker (1753–1827 A.D.)


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