MALACHI 3:17, “And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.” “They shall be Mine,” says the LORD Almighty, “in the day when I make up My jewels!”

The promise of God is that His saints shall be as the jewels of a crown - yes, they shall shine in the Royal diadem! The Lord delights to call them His jewels!

What a price has been paid for the saints - the Son of God purchased them with His own blood! Are they not valuable in His sight? How precious are those whom Jehovah calls His jewels! Bought with such an inestimable price!

But the saints are likened unto jewels, also because our souls need cutting and purifying. A diamond seems to be a mere pebble - until the jeweler’s hands give it shape and smoothness. Skill and patient toil so transform it, that everyone takes pleasure it its beauty and brightness.
Likewise is it with our souls. Divine grace removes defects, and beautifies. The sharp edge of affliction, directed by the hand of Infinite Love - makes perfect. No longer rough and unsightly, but beautiful and glorious - the precious workmanship of God becomes His delight. It is made fit for the Royal diadem, in which it will shine throughout eternity - reflecting all-gloriously the majesty of the King of Kings!

-Gospel report by preacher Wm. Purton

Excerpt from, “Lessons of Peace in the School of Affliction” 1868 A.D.


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