They shall Never Perish” -JOHN 10:28 [KJV]

"Did Jesus once upon thee shine?
Then Jesus is forever thine."
-William Hammond

There is no need for believers to fear death or judgment.  Our advocate and Judge are one and the same (2 Timothy 4:1). We are, therefore, saved and we are safe (1 John 2:1).

 John Newton, the writer of Amazing Grace says of the safety of the believer,

“Rejoice, believer, in the Lord
Who makes your cause His own;
The hope that’s built upon His Word,
Can ne’er be overthrown.

Though many foes beset your road,
And feeble is your arm;
Your life is hidden with Christ in God
Beyond the reach of harm.

Weak as you are, you shall not faint,
Or fainting shall not die;
Jesus, the strength of every saint,
Will aid you from on high.”

We are both saved and safe! Those whom the Saviour has rescued can never be un-rescued.

Concerning people who believe that we can be saved and then lost, Spurgeon said, and I paraphrase, ‘Those who hold this view need to go up to heaven and set the angels straight on this matter. They need to tell them not to rejoice until the sinner dies and goes to heaven, because they may be rejoicing too soon. What if he repents but later falls away and is lost? The angels shouldn’t be so fast with their joy!’ (see Luke 15:10).

We are both saved and safe!

The purchased of the Lord cannot be unpurchased. If a person could lose their salvation, the following would have to happen ...

l. They would have to perish, which Christ said could never happen (John 10:28).

2. Christ would have to cast them out, which He promised never to do (John 6:37).

3. Christ would have to leave them, which He said He would never do (Hebrews 13:5).

4. God would have to break the salvation "chain" of Romans 8:29-30 which clearly declares that every justified person will be glorified (that is, will enjoy final salvation).

5. The Holy Spirit would have to leave them, which is impossible since he is sealed unto the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).

Salvation is the gift of God and God’s gifts are “irrevocable” (Romans 11:29).

Christ gives His sheep the gift of eternal life (John 10-17-28).

Eternal life, therefore, cannot be temporary.
It is eternal life.
It is not provisional life,
It’s eternal.
We are both saved and safe!

When Christ Jesus hung upon the cross all the sins of His people …past, present and future were put away forever. Satan was dealt a fatal blow (Colossians 2:15). The work of redemption was finished. When Christ died, He died as the substitute for His people. If someone for whom He became a substitute can perish, then Christ is a failure.

But, we are both saved and safe and Christ is a success!

“But what if I mess up?”

Here’s some good news; Jesus is fuller of grace than we are of sins. Faith grasps this! It’s true that at times, we may not feel worthy enough to call God our Father, but the New Testament asks,
“Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is Christ who died yeah rather has risen again who is now at the right hand of God making intercession for us” (Romans 8:33-34).

We are both saved and safe!

And that´s the Gospel Truth!

-preacher D. G. Miles Mckee

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