Prove All Things

Our diligence in hearing God’s Gospel and honesty in self-examination will largely be determined by the value which we set upon our soul and its eternal interests. Alas, the vast majority of professing Christians today are far, far more concerned about their bodies than their souls, about carnal pleasures than spiritual riches, about the good opinion of men rather than the approbation of God. But a few, how few, are made serious, become in deadly earnest to hear and learn the Gospel, and to examine well their foundation, and test by God’s Word every inch of the ground they stand on. With the true believer the religion of the Gospel is not something to be taken up and laid down according to fitful moods. Where they will spend eternity is their all-absorbing concern! Every other interest in life sinks into utter insignificance before the vital necessity of making sure that they have “the root of the matter” in them.

-Gospel report by preacher Arthur W. Pink


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