Peace of Conscience
friends, when the Lord Jesus is truly seen, believed, and loved,
there will be joy in the Lord with genuine peace of conscience. Yes,
we are sinners; but Christ died for sinners! Yes, the law condemns;
but Christ honored the law! Yes, justice has a claim; but Christ
satisfied that claim! Yes, we are imperfect in faith, in commitment,
in love; but "He
knows our frame and remembers that we are dust,"
and loves us just the same. We are in Him by HIS CHOICE, redeemed by
HIS BLOOD, called by HIS SPIRIT, and kept by HIS POWER, through faith
which HE GAVE US! How can I entertain any doubts based on
shortcomings found in me when the whole affair is THE LORD'S DOINGS?"
-Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan
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