The Most Difficult Thing

The most difficult thing for any of us to do is to TOTALLY and COMPLETELY trust and rest in our blessed Lord Jesus to redeem us, sanctify us, and make us accepted of the Father. We are prone to self-righteousness and works that we have a constant battle trying to remember that "man at his BEST STATE is altogether vanity," [PSALM 39:5] and in his WEAKEST MOMENTS is no less loved and accepted if he is in Christ. As one preacher said, "My relationship with the eternal God (in Christ) does in great measure determine what I do. But what I do (good or bad) in no way determines my relationship with the eternal God." Actually, "In my flesh dwelleth NO GOOD THING" [ROMANS 7:18]. In the flesh no man can please God.

It is in Christ that the Father is well pleased; and only in Christ can He love, accept and be pleased with me. I did not come to Christ on the basis of my works, nor am I kept in Christ on the basis of my works! I looked to Him THEN for ALL THINGS and I look to Him NOW for ALL THINGS! Any look within will serve only to discourage and depress me; but looking to Christ, the Author and Finisher of my faith, will only encourage me, for He never changes. His gift of life and calling to grace is without change. The command, "Look unto Me and be ye saved," is not only the hope and strength of the seeking sinner, but it is the constant hope and strength of the believing sinner.

I know my sins, but I rejoice in His grace. I know my weakness, but I rest in His strength. I know my emptiness, but I am complete in Him. "O what peace we often forfeit O what needless pain we bear," all because we do not cast our sins, our souls on Christ and LEAVE THEM THERE!

-Gospel report by preacher Henry Mahan

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