The Cross of Calvary

He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” -ROMANS 8:32 [KJV]

Look at the cross! Behold His precious Gift transfixed to it, and that by His own hand, and for your sins. Then look at your present circumstances, survey . . .your needs, your trials, your chastisements, your bereavements, your heart sickening, heartbreaking tribulations, and know that God still is love.

If He had love strong enough, deep enough, to give you Jesus; to tear Him, as it were, from His bosom, and to transfix Him on yonder accursed tree for your iniquities; has He not love enough to bow His ear to your cry, and His heart to your sorrow?

Will He not . . . rescue you from this difficulty, deliver you out of this trouble, shield you in this temptation, supply this need, support and comfort you in this grief? Oh yes, He will! doubt it not!

The cross of Calvary is a standing pledge; standing until sin and guilt, need and woe, shall be known no more; that God, who
“spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, will with Him also freely give us all things” necessary to our good, and promotive of His glory.

-Gospel report by preacher Octavius Winslow (1808–1878 A.D.)


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