The Bible reveals God's power to save, not His impotence. His salvation is not a theoretical one for imaginary believers. It is a real redemption and an effectual salvation accomplished by the Saviour who actually saved sinners on the cross. A careful reading of Scriptures shows that Christ not only powerfully and effectually died for sinners but also demonstrates that the people for whom Christ died were already His people before Christ died for them. Consider this, "You shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). ----Notice how they were already His people before He saved them.

"The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep" (John 10:11). Again notice that He did not give His life for the goats. The goats will face His awful wrath in the Day of Judgment (Matthew 25:32-46) but the sheep are safe for He sacrificed Himself for the sheep. "Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it" (Ephesians 5:25). Certainly this is abundantly clear -He gave Himself exclusively for His bride. Fallen man cannot bear to face the fact that he is not master of his destiny and captain of his own soul. He cannot bear to face the fact that the God of the Bible saves and that He saves only those whom He has chosen. He detests the idea that God saves by grace apart from works that no man may boast even slightly. He shuns the fact that salvation comes to him in the person of a perfect Saviour apart from any contribution on his part!

-Gospel report by preacher Miles McKee

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