The Lord Jesus Christ Saves Sinners

O HEAR the Savior’s gracious call,
To those by sin oppressed;
Come unto Me, O weary one,
And I will give you rest.

It was for sinners Jesus died,
Who have the law transgressed;
Come guilty souls unto the Lord
And He will give you rest.

Christ died upon the cruel tree,
To save the sinfulest;
His blood alone can cleanse from sin,
Come unto Him and rest.

Trust not in works which you have done,
Your righteousness detest;
Come to Christ Jesus as you are,
Come unto Him and rest.

O Spirit of revealing grace,
May each of us be blessed;
Give grace that we to Christ would flee,
And find in Him sweet rest.

Tune: “Am I A Soldier of the Cross?"
Words by preacher Jim Byrd


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