The Everlasting Gospel

And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” -MARK 16:15 [KJV]

God’s preachers preach the message of God’s grace in Christ Jesus to undeserving sinners, the Gospel, because they’re obedient servants. They preach because they’re convinced of God that there’s no other message that the Holy Spirit shall bless to the salvation of a sinner except that Gospel [ROMANS 1:16]. And they know, by Divine revelation, that there’s a remnant according to the electing grace [ROMANS 11:5] that shall hear with new ears, see with new eyes and believe on Christ with a new heart, [EZEKIEL 36:26-28], because they are born from above [JOHN 6:37]

-Gospel report by preacher Marvin Stalnaker


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