Hearing The Word

According to Eli's instruction, this was to be the answer of young Samuel if he heard the Lord call again in the night …"Speak, LORD; for Thy servant heareth" [I SAMUEL 3:9]. This was Samuel's response and it is the response and longing of every regenerated saint made sensitive to the voice of the Lord Jesus. The believer truly desires to hear from his great Shepherd as He speaks to the heart through His word. The hearts of God's sheep burn with gratitude and appreciation for His mercy as He opens unto them the Holy Scriptures. The realization that God Almighty, in the power of His Holy Spirit, through the blessed Scriptures would graciously speak peace and comfort to an undeserving sinner for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ is a glowing ember of joy to the redeemed saint. Truly, He speaks and those that are of the truth hear His voice [JOHN 18:37].

-Gospel report by preacher Marvin Stalnaker

Katy Baptist church of Fairmont, West Virginia USA

Please find enclosed link to audio Gospel sermons & Contact Info:


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