Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands (31JAN-02FEB20)

Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in SO GREAT SALVATION by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace -God's unmerited favor- from their sins and from Hell:

Though a believer in Christ, you are still a naked sinner in yourself. You have no righteousness of your own which you have wrought out, which can screen you from divine justice, answer all the demands of God’s law, and entitle you to His favor. Your own righteousness is no better than filthy rags, too ragged to hide your shame; too filthy to endure the piercing eye of God’s purity; but must be burnt up by the fire of His justice. True, in Christ you have an infinitely perfect, and everlastingly glorious righteousness, to appear in before God.

But it is as true, you can only enjoy the comfort of this, by putting on Christ in your mind, memory and conscience. And it is equally true, unless you see, notwithstanding all your works, duties and performances, the graces of the Spirit in you, and the fruits of righteousness produced by you, that you are still that naked sinner, who must be found in Christ, and clothed with His righteousness, or you cannot be justified before God, but must be eternally condemned for sin. Unless you see this you will see no need to put on Christ.

But the Holy Spirit convinces us of sin, gives us to see that we are stripped of all by sin, and keeps up the sight of our nakedness, on purpose that we should put on Christ, that in the experience of faith we may say with those of old, “I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God, for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness” [ISAIAH 61:10]. O then, bless the Spirit, for eyes to see your nakedness. Under every sight of it put on Christ, that you may glory in Him, who is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

-Gospel report by preacher Wm. Mason (1719-1791 A.D.)


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