God's Word Shall Endure

"All Thy commandments are faithful...help Thou me." -PSALM 119:86 [KJV]
God’s Word is all true; the longer we test and try it, the more shall we find it to be worthy of our fullest confidence. Those who doubt its truth have never really proved its power. Those who mistrust it, in any degree, are as yet like inexperienced mariners who are constantly doubting and fearing what is going to happen; but those who have long done business on the great waters of the ocean of divine inspiration, and who have seen the wonders of the Lord there, will tell you that, though heaven and earth shall pass away, God’s Word shall endure forever. We have seen a thousand things in the course of our earthly pilgrimage, but there is one thing that we have never seen, and we never shall see, namely, God proving unfaithful to His promises and deserting His people in their time of need.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA

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