Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, A SURE FOUNDATION: he that believeth shall not make haste.” -ISAIAH 28:16 [KJV]
People are no different in Isaiah's day than in ours. Religious lost men still love to brag and boast of their agreements, pledges, decisions and covenants they have made with death, hell and the grave. Therefore we need to constantly warn every one of the certain and eternal destruction of all those who rest in their refuge of lies [ISAIAH 28:17-18]. They willfully choose to disregard THE ONLY FOUNDATION on which the guilty sinner can find peace with God and go about to establish their own righteousness by their deeds [ROMANS 10:1-4]. Our Lord Jesus Christ is plainly set forth in scripture as THE ONLY PROVIDED AND SECURE FOUNDATION upon which guilty sinners can rest and find peace with God [I CORINTHIANS 3:11; I PETER 2:2-7; II CORINTHIANS 5:18-21].

Isaiah describes this foundation with great detail so that none will be misled or mistaken to trust a false christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the
"tried stone." When He was manifested in the flesh as the sinner's Mediator, He was tried, tested, and tempted in every aspect that a man could possibly be tested and yet He never failed [HEBREWS 4:14-15]. He is also called the, "precious corner stone." He is precious to God the Father who sent Him to be the Saviour and Redeemer of His people [MATTHEW 3:17]. He is also precious to those who trust Him as THE ONLY TRUE REFUGE [I PETER 2:7]. Our blessed Lord put away our sin with His precious blood [I PETER 1:18], granted us precious faith to fully trust Him [II PETER 1:1], and has given to us His precious promises so that we might know more of this certain foundation. Isaiah also describes our Lord Jesus Christ as the, "sure foundation." I like things that are certain and sure. Nothing can be more certain and sure as that which God has provided for His people [GENESIS 22:8]. "The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His" [II TIMOTHY 2:19]. The certainty of this foundation is not us knowing Him, but rather Him knowing us [ROMANS 8:29-30].

Those who are given life and grace to flee to the Lord Jesus Christ shall never be ashamed, will never be confounded and will never be forced out. Those who have trusted a false christ will be confounded and confused, especially on the day of judgment [MATTHEW 7:21-23 & ISAIAH 45:16-17]. My friend don't be deceived, if you are trusting someone or something other than the Lord Jesus Christ alone, you are resting in that refuge of lies that Isaiah warned us about. Pray God that He would give you grace to trust Him alone and always for all of salvation [JOHN 5:35; ACTS 4:10-12].

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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