God Is Glorified in Prayer

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. -JAMES 5:16 [KJV]

What is a righteous man? God elected him before the world’s foundation. In connection with His obedience unto death, Christ remitted his sins, satisfied God’s law and justice, established righteousness which God accepted and imputed to his account thus justifying him. In time and experience, this same one is spiritually awakened by the Holy Spirit. He hears THE GOSPEL OF FREE GRACE, repents of sin and false religion and he believes on the Lord Jesus Christ. He worships, obeys the scriptures, seeks God in prayer, fellowships with other believers and grows in the grace and knowledge of the truth.

What is an
effectual fervent prayer? In the original “effectual fervent” is one word. It’s our word for energy. As opposed to often repeated prayers that are rites and rituals, this prayer comes from the mind that is being taught of God, from the heart that is being softened by the gospel and from the will that is being turned to rest in Christ. This believer’s prayer is filled with fervency, warmth and understanding. It’s not intended to gain the applause of men but to praise and petition God.

What does it mean
avails much? By “avails” is meant strength, power or ability, as opposed to inept, weak of sickly. By “much” is meant quantity and quality. However, it doesn’t mean always or all things. Elijah is the example of amazing results in prayer [JAMES 5:17-18; I KINGS 17:1; 18:41-46]. However, it isn’t always God’s will to grant our petitions [II CORINTHIANS 12:7-10]. It’s biblical to use the medical capabilities at hand [I TIMOTHY 5:21-25]. God uses trying times to prove and grow His children [ROMANS 5:3-5]. God’s yesses and His no’s glorify Him [EXODUS 4:10-12; JOHN 9:1-3].

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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