Perpetual Sustenance

He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” -ROMANS 8:32 [KJV]

This verse supplies us with an instance of Divine logic! It contains a conclusion drawn from a premise. The premise is that God delivered up Christ for all His people therefore, everything else that is needed by them is sure to be given.

Here we are told why the Father made such a costly sacrifice: He spared not Christ – that He might spare us! It was not lack of love to the Savior, but wondrous, matchless, fathomless love for us! O marvel at the astonishing design of the Most High! “..God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son!” Truly, such love surpasses knowledge!

Moreover, He made this costly sacrifice not grudgingly or reluctantly, but freely out of love. He “delivered Him up” . . . to shame and spitting, to hatred and persecution, to cruel suffering and crucifixion. And He delivered Him up “for us:” descendants of rebellious Adam, depraved and defiled, corrupt and sinful, vile and worthless!  

For us” who had gone into the “far country” of alienation from Him, and there spent all in riotous living.  Yes, “for us” who had gone astray like sheep, each one turning to “his own way.”  “For us” “who were by nature the children of wrath, even as others” in whom there dwelt no good thing.

“For us” who had rebelled against our Creator, hated His holiness, despised His Word, broken His commandments, and resisted His Spirit! “For us” who richly deserved to be cast into the everlasting burnings, and receive those wages which our sins so fully earned.

Yes, He delivered His blessed Son up for you, fellow Christian, who  are sometimes tempted to interpret your afflictions, as tokens of God's harshness, regard your poverty, as a mark of His neglect, and your seasons of darkness, as evidences of His desertion.
O, confess to Him now the wickedness of such dishonoring doubtings, and never again question the love of Him Who spared not His own Son!

Ponder well the glorious conclusion which the Spirit of God here draws from the wondrous fact stated in the first part of our text, “He who spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” How conclusive and how comforting is the inspired reasoning of the Apostle. Arguing from the greater to the less, he proceeds to assure the believer of God’s readiness also freely to bestow all needed blessings. The gift of His own Son, so ungrudgingly and unreservedly bestowed, is the pledge of every other needed mercy!

Here is the unfailing guaranty of perpetual sustenance to the drooping heart of the tried believer. If God has done the greater, will He leave the less undone? Infinite love can never change. The love that spared not Christ cannot fail its objects, nor begrudge any needed blessings.

-Gospel report by preacher A.W. Pink


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