David, a man after God's own heart gives us some very inspired instruction and direction in Psalm 37:1; when he says, "fret not." Surely, David writes to us with the experience of his own heart trouble, for he had much to fret about. Now, I will be the first to admit that our fallen, sinful nature is prone to fretting and worrying about most everything. Most of us have a worry-wart nature! Fretfulness and worrying are sins of their own punishment. How dreadful it is to lay awake all night worrying. But, David also gives us a sure cure for fretting in the following verses. He gives us a sevenfold cure!

1). TRUST IN THE LORD [PSALM 37:3]. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will cure fretting! When we trust Him to provide all our physical and spiritual needs [MATTHEW 6:33; PHILIPPIANS 4:19], we find comfort. We don't look to the deeds or strength of the flesh to find our comfort, but to Him alone. We are to trust Him at all times [PSALM 62:8].

2). DELIGHT THYSELF ALSO IN THE LORD [PSALM 37:4]. Rejoicing in the Lord also is a sure cure for fretting [PHILIPPIANS 3:3]! When we are taken up with the glory of His person, the power of His atonement, the freeness of His grace and sureness of His mercy, it leaves no room for fretting.

3). COMMIT THY WAY UNTO THE LORD [PSALM 37:5]. The marginal reading is, "Roll the whole burden of life upon Him." Peter put it this way, "casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you" [I PETER 1:5]. When we realize that our Heavenly Father does all things well, surely we can commit our way to His wise providence and stop our fretting [ROMANS 8:28].

4). REST IN THE LORD [PSALM 37:7]. Our Lord Jesus Christ having accomplished salvation for His elect, entered into His rest [HEBREWS 1:3]. Let us learn by His grace to cease from going about to establish a righteousness [ROMANS 10:4] and make haste to enter into Him by faith and rest [HEBREWS 4:10]. When we are busy resting we have no time for fretting.

5). CEASE FROM ANGER [PSALM 37:8]. When we try to take the matters into our own hands, we are bound to create a sure mess of things. Remember, that the wrath of man will never work the righteousness of God [JAMES 1:18]. God will take care of the sheep and subdue all our enemies under our feet [COLOSSIANS 2:14].

6). DEPART FROM EVIL [PSALM 37:27]. We are exhorted in the scripture to put off the old man with his deeds [COLOSSIANS 3:8-15]. By God's grace and power He does restrain the believer from living for self and to strive to live for the glory of God [JEREMIAH 9:23-24].

7). WAIT ON THE LORD [PSALM 37:34]. We wait with great expectations on the certainties of His promises [II PETER 1:4]. God's purpose of grace and mercy cannot fail [ISAIAH 42: 1]. Believer, fret not!

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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