My desire being to comfort the disconsolate, I shall lay before you a few scripture truths, which the God of love has intended for the consolation of His dear children in the field of battle.

1st. He who made you has fixed His love upon you freely in His Son. He loves you unchangeably, in all states and conditions, from eternity to eternity. Whatever changes, internal or external, you may pass through, the love of your God is the same. You may suffer the loss of wealth, health, ease, reputation, friends, and, like Job, be stripped of all your earthly comfort; but you cannot be deprived of your heavenly Father's affection. He rests in His love, and joys over you with singing. Love runs through all His purposes concerning you, and all His dispensations toward you.

2nd, He has chosen you in Christ Jesus to be His people for ever, and adopted you to be His children and heirs. He has given Himself to you, to be your God and Father, your portion and inheritance forever.

3rd, He has united you to His Son Jesus Christ, and fixed you in Him, never to be separated from Him. Jesus and you are one. One body, one building, one vine. Your union with Christ commenced with your election in Him. Free sovereign grace was the cause of both. God’s eternal and immutable love is the bond of your union with Jesus: therefore it can never be dissolved. That God who chose you in Him, keeps you in Him. Being in Christ, all that He is, and all that He has is yours. His abundant grace; His perfect righteousness; His complete atonement; His consummate holiness; His eternal redemption; His perfect and all glorious salvation; His unsearchable riches of glory and blessedness, are all your own. Christ and you being one, you stand in Him complete before the throne of God. You are washed from all your sins in His blood; you are justified from all things by His righteousness: yea, you are law-fulfillers and the righteousness of God in Him. The Father views you with infinite delight. He sees no spot in you. There is no curse, no condemnation for you. You are saved with an everlasting salvation, and shall not be ashamed nor confounded, world without end.

4th, God has made with you an everlasting covenant; not a covenant of works, but of grace; not a conditional, but an absolute one; not one all confusion and disorder, but one ordered in all things by His all-comprehending wisdom. Not one which may vary, be disannulled and made void, but one which, like its divine author, is immutable, permanent, and everlasting. It is founded upon Jehovah’s unchangeable will, and confirmed by His inviolable oath. It is sealed by the blood of His incarnate Son; and for its fulfillment the eternal Three, have, by Their joint oath, pledged Themselves.

5th, God has given you exceeding great and precious promises, suited to all your cases. The fulfillment of these promises is certain, because the promise is faithful and almighty. These promises are breasts of consolation to the distressed, milk for babes, and meat for strong men; you may safely trust them, and in trusting them, you will sweetly enjoy them.

-Gospel report by preacher Job Hupton (1762-1829 A.D.)


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