Lord Jesus Christ - Valiant Deliverer!

"...and DELIVER THEM who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."

It is no evidence against you if you are subject to bondage; it is no mark against you if you cannot look death in the face without doubt or fear. Is it not "the children" who feel the bondage? And did not the Lord come to deliver them from it? Are you then not a child because you fear death? If you had no sense of sin, no tenderness of conscience, you would be as careless about death as most other people are.

Thus your very bondage, your very fears, if they make you sigh and cry for deliverance, are marks of life. And the day will surely come when the Lord will remove these chilling fears and put an end to these killing doubts. As you draw near to the brink of Jordan, THE LORD WILL BE WITH YOU TO DELIVER YOU, who, through fear of death, are now subject to bondage; He will extract its sting, and rob the grave of its victory, enabling you to shout "Salvation!" through His blood, even at the moment when nature sinks lowest and the last enemy appears nearest in view.

Oh, what a blessed Jesus we have; what a heavenly Friend; what a divine Mediator between a holy God and our guilty souls! What love He displayed in taking our flesh and blood; what kind condescension, what wondrous depths of unspeakable grace! He loved us sufficiently to lay down His life for us. Did He not for our sakes endure the agony of the cross, the hidings of God's face, the burden of sin, the pangs of hell? And if He has done all this for us on earth, will He leave His work undone in heaven?

Has He quickened you into life, made you feel your sin, taught you to seek for mercy, raised up a good hope in your heart, applied a promise to your soul, given you a testimony? He may have done all this, and yet at times your conscience may be held down in bondage and imprisonment. But it is only to make further way for His grace; to open up more and more of His willingness and ability to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him. It is only to make Himself in the end more precious to you; to shew you more of His finished work, more of His dying love and atoning blood, and more of what He is able to do in delivering you from all your fears.

Thus, as the Adam fall was overruled by the wisdom of God to make manifest the riches of His eternal love, mercy, and grace, so your very doubts, fears, and bondage will be blessedly overruled to give you further discoveries of Christ, to wean you more from an arm of flesh, and to make you know more experimentally what the Lord Jesus Christ is to those who seek His face and hang upon and trust Him and Him alone.

A man who believes that he may live and die, and that safely, without an experimental knowledge of Christ, will never seek His face, never call upon His name, never long for the manifestations of His love. But he who feels that he can neither live nor die without Him, who knows that he has a soul that only Christ can save, who has sins which only Christ's blood can pardon, iniquities that only Christ's righteousness can cover, will be often crying to the Lord to visit his soul with His salvation, and will find no rest till Christ appears; but when Christ appears to the joy of his soul, will bless and praise Him with joyful lips. And oh, what a glorious trophy will that man be of Christ's eternal victory over sin and Satan, when he will reign with Him and with His assembled saints in one immortal day!

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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