Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands (01-03NOV19)

Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in SO GREAT SALVATION by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace -God's unmerited favor- from their sins and from Hell:


Some say it makes no difference what a man hears or believes with regard to religious matters, as long as he "believes on Jesus," no matter who he imagines Him to be or to have done. An inspired apostle, however, wrote about trusting the Lord after having heard "the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation" [EPHESIANS 1:13]. It is only "the word of truth" that is "the gospel of your salvation," and if there is "the word of truth," then we know Satan has concocted the word of error, and the word of error is not the gospel of your salvation. What is the word of error? It is any message that makes salvation dependent upon sinners. There is no salvation in hearing and believing "the word of error," but in hearing and believing "the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation." "The word of truth, the gospel of your salvation" is the word about Him who is the Truth; it is the truth about Him who is the Word. It is the "report" of the Savior’s deity and humanity, the good news of what He accomplished for sinners so that God might be "a just God and a Savior."

"The word of truth" is the message of redemption obtained by the cross-death of the Lord Jesus Christ. "The word of truth" is not an invitation, but a declaration of the work Christ did to the Father’s full satisfaction. It is the good news that redemption and reconciliation have been accomplished. When the Savior said, "It is finished" and "bowed His head and yielded up the ghost" [JOHN 19:30], everything a holy God demanded for the justification of His people was fulfilled. All the sins of those in whose stead He was sacrificed were put away; He reconciled His people and brought in everlasting righteousness when He "died for our sins according to the scriptures" [I CORINTHIANS 15:3]. This is the message we must hear and be brought by the Holy Spirit to believe, the glad tidings of what God has already done for undeserving rebels and who He did it by, Christ the Redeemer.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd


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