Complete in Christ!

“And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power: -COLOSSIANS 2:10 [KJV]

Here before us in our text we have Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, telling the Colossian believers and we who believe, almost 2,000 years later, that the believer in Christ is complete in Him.

Paul here in this Epistle is battling Gnosticism, Judaizers and angel worship. There was a three prong attack occurring at the time of this writing against the believers in Colosse. Paul here lays a death blow to them all by telling the Colossian believers that they are complete in Christ!

All through this Epistle, Paul has been contrasting the Supremacy of Christ and the all sufficiency of Christ with the things the false teachers were teaching; that you had to keep the Mosaic law, you had to be circumcised to be saved, that you must keep certain days and abstain from certain drink and food.

Paul again lays a death blow to these errors the false teachers are proclaiming and promoting. Think now for us, Beloved, almost 2,000 years later, we have those who say you must be baptized to be saved. We have those who say you must attend their church to be saved. We have the legalist with their checklist version of Christianity, where if you do not check all their boxes, they declare you not saved.

Here before us is an answer to those who would disqualify us based upon works, or law keeping, or holding to someone's warped standards; the believer in Christ is complete in Him! False teachers always add something you have to do in order to be saved, gospel preachers proclaim, Salvation is of the LORD”! He is the Alpha and the Omega of our salvation, the beginning and the end and the result of that is the believer is COMPLETE IN HIM!

Complete in Christ! What wonderful rest for the believer who is clothed in the righteousness of Christ! Let the world rail, I am complete in Christ! Let the heathen rage, I am complete in Christ! Let the legalist leave, calling us what they will, I am complete in Christ! What a happy condition for the believer; COMPLETE IN HIM!

-Gospel report by preacher Wayne Boyd

First Baptist church of Almont, Michigan USA

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