access to God is through the risen Christ and based on the merits of
His obedience unto death as Substitute and Surety of His people. The
only way of access to Christ is by the Gospel in the power of the
Holy Spirit to reveal Him in His glorious Person and finished work of
redemption to make reconciliation for the sins of His people and to
establish a righteousness that enables God to be just and Justifier
of the ungodly.
is required of men to believe the Gospel, not as a condition they
must meet to attain or maintain salvation, but as the God-ordained
means to LAY HOLD OF CHRIST, Who by Himself has met all
conditions for salvation by His substitutionary obedience unto death.
God the Holy Spirit is the sovereign Agent in the new birth; the
Gospel is the God-ordained instrument; and faith is the God-appointed
and God-given means. Faith is the link to connect the soul to Christ
in order that believing sinners might come to Him Who justifies the
ungodly based on the blood and imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Gospel reveals a complete satisfaction to both God’s law and
justice by Christ, the only Substitute, Representative, and Surety.
It is upon this ground that God justifies, receives, and accepts
sinners. It is through the blood of Jesus Christ that we have free
and unhindered access to God [HEBREWS
–Gospel report by preacher Bill Parker
Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA
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