Timely Word of Warning

O my reader, can you be satisfied with the cheap, easy-going religion of the day, which utterly ignores the clamant call of the Son of God, Agonize to enter in at the strait gate [LUKE 13:24]? Can you rest content with the “smooth things” now being proclaimed from well nigh every pulpit, which assures those who are at enmity with God that they can become “Christians” more easily than a youth can join the Army, or a man become a “Free Mason” or “Odd Fellow.”
      Can you follow the great crowd who claim to have “received Christ as their personal Saviour” when no miracle of grace has been wrought in their hearts, while the Lord Himself declares Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it” [MATTHEW 7:14]?

      Dare you rest in some “decision” made when you were deeply stirred by some anecdotes addressed to your emotions?  Have you nothing more than some change in your religious view or some reformation in your outward ways to show that you are “a new creation in Christ Jesus”? Slight not, we beseech you, this pressing word, Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God.   •

Gospel report by preacher Arthur W. Pink, except from his commentary on Hebrews


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