The News

If you notice, much of the news that is printed and broadcast in our day is full of “may” or “could” or “might.” A new medicine “may” help certain physical conditions. Something “could” have this effect politically. An individual “might” do such and such. Not news but speculation! That is the news of man: he might possibly do something but nothing is for sure! This is not so with the “news” of God’s gospel!

It is as sure as He is as the immutable, almighty and all-knowing God of truth. That is why the gospel of the grace of God in Christ is always “good news” to His believing people. In the gospel of Jesus Christ there is a clear proclamation of the will and purpose of the eternal God. False religion emphasizes what God will do if men and women do certain things but the true gospel declares what God has done. He has loved a people with an everlasting love, chosen them in Christ out of Adam’s fallen race, put them in an everlasting covenant of which Christ is the Angel and Mediator of and blessed them with all spiritual blessings in Him before the world began.

This news or report from God is a definite proclamation of what He did when He came, God manifest in the flesh, to this world as the Man Christ Jesus. He lived a sinless life before this holy God, honoring His law and then died as the substitute for this people as the sacrifice for their sins. He wrought out perfect righteousness and as this glorious God-Man redeemed them and saved them from all their sins. We learn in this gospel that these helpless sinners that He died for are successfully saved with an everlasting salvation. Through His cross death God forgives them and accepts them in this Beloved One.

His sacrifice satisfied every claim of His justice against them and in Him they are raised together and seated in Him in the heavenlies. We learn in this gospel that the Holy Spirit alone can reveal this to them and give them faith to believe this otherwise unbelievable good news. The language of this message of God to His elect is full of “I shall” and they wills! The sum of God’s news is this:

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people” [HEBREWS 8:10]. If the Spirit of God gives us ears to hear, eyes to see and faith to believe the report of God and the record of His Son, it will be good news to us. It will not be something we’ve known all our life. It will be new and it will be good. Good news of a free, full and eternal salvation in Christ!

-Gospel report by preacher Gary Shepard


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