The Free, Sovereign Grace of God!

Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called: and whom He called, them He also justified: and whom He justified, them He also glorified.” -ROMANS 8:30 [KJV]

The justified sinner stands the closest to God, of any created being in the universe. Nearer to the throne of the Eternal, he cannot stand. What marvelous love! Who will dare assert that salvation is not, from first to last of free, sovereign grace? Let your eye pierce the veil which falls between earth and heaven. Behold that shining, worshiping being, standing so near to the throne of glory, bathed in the overpowering effulgence of its rays. Who is he? 

He was once a sinner upon earth, the vilest of his race, the dishonored of his generation, forsaken by man and abhorred of God. But Jesus found him in his lost estate, and divine love drew him, and sovereign grace rescued, pardoned, and saved him! And now washed from all his guilt by the blood, freed from all condemnation by the righteousness of Christ he stands before the throne “blameless,” a “king and a priest unto God.” Such is the great love of Jesus! And all this grace, and all this glory, and all this bliss flows from THE FREE, SOVEREIGN GRACE OF GOD.

-Gospel report by preacher Octavius Winslow (1808–1878 A.D.)
Excerpt from,“Christ, Our Righteousness” 


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