"Comfort ye My people" -ISAIAH 40:1

Suppose a poor sinner under the awakenings of grace, and by the leadings of the Holy Ghost, from the conviction of sin, comes forth with the anxious question, what must I do to be saved? And, suppose, that instead of the immediate answer Paul gave to this same question, when put to him by the Jailor at Philippi, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thine house” [ACTS 26:30-31].

Suppose, that a preacher should direct such an one to his repentings and reformings, to his amendments, and tears, and prayers, telling him to hope that Christ will do the rest, when he hath done his best? What a trifling would this be with an alarmed sinner under his soul distresses? And what could charity herself say of all such preachers, but as Job did of those pretended friends of his when they read to him such reproving lectures on his dunghill, Miserable comforters are ye all!” [JOB 16:2]

Oh! how sweet doth God the Spirit preach Christ in His fullness, completeness, and all-sufficiency, when He saith, In the LORD shall all the seed of of Israel be justified, and shall glory” [ISAIAH 45:25].

-Gospel report by preacher Robert Hawker (1753–1827 A.D.)


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