Christ Has The Words of Life

TO COME TO CHRIST FOR LIFE is for the sinner to feel and acknowledge that he is utterly destitute of any claim upon God's favor. It is to see himself as without strength, lost and undone. It is to admit that he is deserving of nothing but eternal death, thus taking side with God against himself. It is for him to cast himself into the dust before God, and humbly sue for Divine mercy. To come to Christ for life is for the sinner to abandon his own righteousness and be ready to be made the righteousness of God in Christ. It is to disown his own wisdom and be guided by His. It is to repudiate his own will and be ruled by His. It is to unreservedly receive the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and Lord, as his All in all.”

-Gospel report by preacher Arthur W. Pink (1886 - 1952 A.D.)


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