The Report of All Ages

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?” -ISAIAH 53:1 [KJV]
THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST IS A REPORT, and full of glad tidings of good things; yet so very generally is it despised and scorned, that the question is here put, who hath believed it? Reader! when we consider who Christ is in Himself, and how essentially necessary His salvation is to all men; it becomes a matter of wonder that all men, universally speaking, do not embrace it in transports of joy.

But, on the other hand, when we consider how sunk and fallen our nature is, even to the total ignorance of our ruin, it becomes a matter of still greater wonder, that any should receive it. Nothing, indeed, but sovereign grace can accomplish it in the heart. It is the Lord, that must make His people willing in the day of His power [PSALM 110:3].

-Gospel report by preacher Robert Hawker (1753–1827 A.D.)


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