"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." -I JOHN 4:18 [KJV]
That perfect love that casts out fear is not our love for one another or our love for God, but God's love for His elect. Perfect love is God's love. It is everlasting love [JEREMIAH 31:3], free, unconditional love [HOSEA 14:4], electing love [ROMANS 9:13-18], predestinating love [EPHESIANS 1:3-6], redeeming love [JOHN 3:16; ROMANS 5:6-8; I JOHN 3:16; 4:9-10], immutable love [MALACHI 3:6], and indestructible, unquenchable love [SONG OF SOLOMON 8:7].

If ever you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and are given the sweet assurance of God's perfect love for you in His darling Son, the knowledge of that love will cast out fear from your soul.

No Fear in Love! I do not suggest that God's saints in this world live without fear, but I am saying that we should. And I am saying that as God the Holy Ghost assures us of the perfect love of God for us, He makes us fearless. Perfect love casteth out all fear! "He that feareth is not made perfect in love." That is to say, he who fears does not have the love of God made perfect in him. Perfect love casteth out all fear! The blessed assurance of God's perfect love in Christ casts out the fear of divine judgment, wrath, and punishment; it casts out the fear of providential matters; it frees us from the fear of men, fear of death, and fear of eternity.



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