It is finished means, "IT IS FINISHED!"

When the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shouted in His dying breath "It is finished" (John 19:30), He spoke regarding the redemption of the sinners for whom He died (among other things).

When He said "It is finished" He meant ... "It is finished!" The redemption of every soul for whom He died was completed, perfected, accomplished, achieved, finalized.

Many preachers over (state) otherwise. They say He meant 'It is finished hypothetically!' ­ as in 'I made redemption possible for everyone.'  They say He meant 'It is finished partly!' ­ as in 'I have done My part, but now you must do yours.'  They say He meant 'It is finished provisionally!' ­ as in 'I have provided redemption for all who will of their own freewill have it.' They say He meant 'It is finished conditionally!' ­ as in 'I have redeemed you if you meet the condition.' When Jesus Christ said, "It is finished" He meant ..."It is finished ­ actually, completely, perfectly, effectually, unconditionally, absolutely, everlastingly, immutably, period!"

Not one single solitary sinner for whom Jesus Christ died will die unredeemed and be condemned and consigned to everlasting punishment.

Rather, each and every sinner for whom Jesus Christ died is redeemed and will join the heavenly hosts in singing to Him, "You are worthy ... for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation" (Revelation 5:9).

Will you join them? "Let the redeemed of the LORD say so" (Psalm 107:2).

-Gospel report by preacher Daniel Parks

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Saint Croix, US Virgin Islands

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