Encouragement in Christ for His people near and far...

"To see Thy power and Thy glory, so as I have seen Thee in the sanctuary." -PSALM 63:2 [KJV]

EVERY PLACE IS A SANCTUARY WHERE GOD MANIFESTS HIMSELF in power and glory to the soul. Moses, doubtless, had often passed by the bush which grew in Horeb; it was but a common hawthorn bush, in no way distinguished from the other bushes of the copse; but on one solemn occasion it was all "in a flame of fire," for "the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire" out of the midst; and though it burnt with fire, it was not consumed. God being in the bush, the ground round about was holy, and Moses was bidden to put off his shoes from off his feet. Was not this a sanctuary to Moses? It was, for a holy God was there.
Thus wherever God manifests Himself, that becomes a sanctuary to a believing soul. We want not places made holy by the ceremonies of man, but places made holy by the presence of God. Then a stable, a hovel, a hedge, any homely corner may be, and is a sanctuary, when God fills your heart with His sacred presence, and causes every holy feeling and gracious affection to spring up in your soul.
If ever you have seen this in times past, you have seen God in the sanctuary; for then your heart becomes the sanctuary of God, according to His own words, "Ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them." Are not your very bodies the temples of the Holy Ghost? [I CORINTHIANS 6:19]. Does not Christ dwell in the heart by faith? And is He not formed there, the hope of glory? It is, then, not only in Christ without, BUT IN CHRIST WITHIN that we see the power and glory of God. It is in this way that we become consecrated to the service and glory of God, set our affections upon heavenly things, and obtain a foretaste of eternal joy.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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