Complete in Christ

"For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power" -COLOSSIANS 2:9-10 [KJV]

All that is necessary to secure and to complete our eternal salvation is to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ [PHILIPPIANS 3:7-9; 4:19]. There is a completion or a complete filling up in Him, so as to leave nothing lacking in the sinner. In the Lord Jesus Christ dwells all the fullness of God [JOHN 1:16]. He is perfect and the believer stands perfected in Him [I CORINTHIANS 1:30; COLOSSIANS 1:22]. All that is lacking in us by our ruin and sin in Adam is abundantly, freely and eternally supplied to us in the Lord Jesus Christ, "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" [ROMANS 5:19-20].

Christ's perfect obedience is our righteousness [PHILIPPIANS 2:7-8]. His sacrifice for sin is our atonement [HEBREWS 2:17]. His Word is our instruction [II TIMOTHY 3:16]. His wisdom is our direction [COLOSSIANS 2:3]. His power is our protection [I PETER 1:5]. His blood sacrifice is our justification [ROMANS 5:9]. His grace is our salvation [ROMANS 3:24]. His eternal love is our security [ROMANS 8:32-39]. His everlasting mercy is our hope [LAMENTATIONS 3:22-26; TITUS 3:5]. His fullness is our completeness [JOHN 1:16]. His immutability is our strength [MALACHI 3:6; HEBREWS 13:8]. His resurrection is the guarantee of our final glory [ROMANS 4:25; REVELATION 1:18]. His intercession is the assurance of all our deliverance from sin [I JOHN 2:1].

Tell me my friend, what could we possibly want for, when all the Godhead is engaged to make the believer complete in the Lord Jesus Christ, to His eternal glory [ROMANS 8:29-30; JUDE 1:24-25]. Being found in Christ, having eternal union with Him, we have all things and all spiritual blessings in Christ [JOHN 17:21-24; I CORINTHIANS 1:30-31; EPHESIANS 1:3-7; PHILIPPIANS 4:19].

-Gospel report by preacher Tom Harding

Zebulon Grace church of Pikeville, Kentucky USA

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