WARNING - Babel Builders

We have the building of Babel; in order whereunto it is said that “the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech;” and they said, “let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” {GENESIS 11:1-4} Here is the figure of all carnal religion; when man will be religious out of his own carnal wisdom, before that God reveal the Lord Christ to him; here is his intent through his own work and wisdom to get to heaven and to get him a name to be more holy than others, that he may be not accounted like other men of the earth; therefore Solomon exhorts, “be not righteous too soon;”for the house that is built too soon is built without a Foundation.

Paul’s righteousness wherein he was touching the Law blameless was too soon, because it was before that Christ {Who is the true Foundation of all Righteousness} was revealed to him; so that religion is mere hypocrisy whereby man seeks his own glory, to get himself a name or praise among men, as our Savior said the Pharisees and Sadducees did. “But all their works they do for to be seen of men.” {MATTHEW 23:5} The children of God are quite contrary; as the Lord saith by the prophet, “I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders;” {ISAIAH 8:18;} and to whom, but to both the houses of Israel; even to all professors of religion, or to all that have a form of religion.

And Paul speaking of them under the name of a true Jew, that hath the truth circumcision, saith that their “praise is not of men, but of God.” {ROMANS 2:29} Therefore as this building displeased God, and He confounded their language, and scattered them over all the earth, so doth this hypocritical religion, and He scattereth them into divers forms, and sets them at dissension one with another, upon any trifling conceit, or opinion, or circumstance; that even a rational man will think them mad, to place religion in such foolish and trivial things; thus as the builders of Babel, by that way which they thought to get them a name, that they should not be scattered over the earth, even by the same means they were scattered and confounded, so are all followers of formal religion.

-Gospel report by preacher Richard Coore (1616–1687 A.D.)


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