"Seek ye out of The Book of The LORD, and read" -Isaiah 34:16

An aged saint was critically ill. When a dear friend came to visit him, the child of God said, “Read to me out of the book.” His friend asked, “Which book do you mean?” “There is only one true and faithful book, the Word of God,” the dying man said. He was absolutely right. There is but one book that deserves to be called the book. Let each of us devote our lives to the book of books, the Holy Scripture. This is the book to live by and the book to die by. This is the book of HISTORY, HIS–STORY, the story of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It tells of His glorious person, His life of perfection, His successful, justice-satisfying death on the cross to put away the sins of His people, His resurrection, His righteousness freely imputed to all of His people, His ascension back to heaven, His enthronement, His ongoing intercessory work, His continual providential rule over all creation and His second advent when He will come to judge the quick and the dead according to the standard of righteousness [ACTS 17:31]. Read the book of God to be wise unto salvation, believe its gospel to be rescued from sin and shame, and rest fully on its promises to the people of God in order to live a life of peaceful contentment.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd


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