Five Infallible Proofs of God´s Love

 The Wednesday Word 

by preacher Miles McKee

Proof 1 - "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" [JOHN 3:16]. Notice that God loves the “world,” i.e. the nations, both Jews and non-Jews.

Consider the contrast between how the Law was given in Exodus 20 and the giving of the gospel in Acts 2. The former was given in one language and to one people; the latter, in multiplied tongues,…i.e.
to the whole world.
When the Law was given, it told of man's duty, and was confined to one language; but when grace was published, it proclaimed God's precious salvation to the nations of the world. The Lord loves people from every tribe, kindred and tongue…the whole world.

Proof 2 - Not only did God´s love give us the gift of His Son, but we are told in Isaiah 53 that "it pleased the LORD to bruise Him." Do you ever feel unloved? If so, look at the cross. There is no reason to feel rejected when you see what God has done for you. Look to Jesus. As He took our sins, He was rejected in our place

“Here is love, vast as the ocean
Lovingkindness as the flood
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom
Shed for us His precious blood.”

-William Rees

God forsook His well-beloved Son, hid His face from Him and caused the waves of righteous wrath to swamp and flood Him. He did that for us!

"He delivered Him up for us all." He placarded Him as the wrath offering for our sins" [see ROMANS 3:24-26]. Here´s something beautiful to remember. Jesus didn´t merely come into this world to comfort us in our ruin and misery. He came, not purely to visit sinners, but came to seek and save us [LUKE 19:10].

Proof 3 - Not only did the Father give His Son to us, and bruise Him on the cross for us, but, because Christ was the acceptable Substitute, He was raised from the dead. "The God of peace brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant" [HEBREWS 13:20]. Judgment and grace met at the cross. The great questions of sin and punishment were settled. Christ Jesus was delivered for our offences and raised again for our justification [ROMANS 4:25].

Proof 4 - All these glorious facts of incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, could have taken place, yet we might not have known anything about them. But, instead, because of God´s love for us, the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, and in the name of the risen and ascended Saviour announced the Good News. He came to make known, in every language under heaven, the Gospel of God's full and free, gracious salvation.

Proof 5 - Here´s another proof of the love of God for us. Those stirring events of the day of Pentecost might have taken place as stated. The Holy Spirit might have come from heaven and announced the glorious message of free salvation and then have gone back again to heaven. But, He did not. He has been here ever since patiently labouring and testifying among the nations. Amid the opposition and hatred of hell, men and devils, the Gospel is, even today, being made known to the ends of the earth. The Holy Spirit is still here and working.

But what about you?

Have you any plans to play a part in the spreading of the gospel to your neighbourhood or even the ends of the earth?
Because of the gospel, there is forgiveness for sinners
[see Luke 7:37-47], salvation for the lost [LUKE 19:10] and justification for the ungodly [ROMANS 4:5]. This is Good News indeed! Let´s tell about it?

In the gospel, God reckoned Christ as what we are—sin,—that we might be reckoned as what Christ is—righteous. Let´s tell about it?

“He is coming back, and in the meantime, our business is to wait for Him, to glorify Him, and to be occupied in His service till He does come again.” -George Muller

And that´s the Gospel Truth!

Note: If you find the Wednesday Word helpful or encouraging, please take a moment to drop Miles a note at


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