The Necessity of The Spirit's Work

Believing the gospel is no small thing. The message of salvation altogether by grace dependent upon the merits and work of the Son of God is offensive to the natural man because it is a double declaration: fallen man is unable to save himself and consequently, Salvation is of the LORD.” It proclaims that redemption has been obtained, reconciliation has been accomplished, sins have been put away and righteousness has been brought in for all of God’s elect by the obedience unto death of the resurrected, exalted Christ.

When God the Holy Spirit comes to a spiritually dead sinner, He finds in that poor, indigent rebel nothing with which to work. The sinner’s mind is enmity against God, his heart is as adamant stone toward the truth and his will is set in opposition against the divine will. The Spirit must quicken the dead, break down the rebellion, convince of sin, give a new heart, grant repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and seal upon the heart and conscience of the newly regenerated sinner that blessed truth that he or she stands accepted before a holy God solely upon the ground of the Person and work of the glorious Redeemer.

What but the work of the sovereign Spirit could bring a needy sinner to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA

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