In Everything Give Thanks

Someone said, “Justice is getting what we deserve, mercy is NOT getting what we do deserve, and grace is receiving what we do not deserve.” Oh, how abundant and abounding is the mercy and grace of God to us! How is it that we do not live in a constant attitude of praise and thanksgiving (I THESSALONIANS 5:16-17)?

I feel as deeply convicted before God of the sin of ingratitude and murmuring and for being discontented as I do of any other sin. To find fault with the good providence of God is COVETOUSNESS, which is idolatry (COLOSSIANS 3:5).
There’s no need for me to list our spiritual, material, and physical blessings. Anyone with an understanding of God’s holiness and man’s sin can rejoice that he is not now in eternal darkness.

Anyone with eyes to see the dreadful effects of Adam’s fall can rejoice that all of these afflictions are not visited upon him. Anyone who is aware of the poverty and want which much of the world’s population experiences ought to give thanks for every thread of clothing, bite of food, and comfort of home and family.

Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” Lord, I give thanks; help my ingratitude.

-Gospel report by preacher Henry T. Mahan

Please find enclosed link to an Gospel Sermon entitled, “JESUS - Friend of Sinners” (33 MIN 16 SEC), preached in 1974 A.D.


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